+91 892-053-4878
  • Mon-Sat : 08:30 AM to 17:30 PM
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about about
Improving By The Inspier Healthy Living

We at Aharmitra(ahar=nutrition+mitra=companion) is a team of dedicated and well qualified dieticians who are committed towards providing effective diet plans , recipes and plethora of abreast naturopathic remedies which are wonder panacea to curb the major menaces of this 21st century such as Hypertension and hypotension , weight gain or loss , diabetes , PCOD , coronary heart diseases , hair receding , ageing , weakness etc We firmly believe that the health of an educated and aware individual shapes the health of the family which in turn improves in a healthy society and thus a healthy nation. So we also cater to Yogic awareness classes and recommendations to needy patients esp. to women and old age. Our team pledges to donate 1% towards hunger free India by providing a hygienic nutritious diet to homeless and poor people’s families . Support and bless us in our new venture by being part of the Aharmitra family . Be Ahar mitra.

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Dt. Rashmi is a young, enthusiastic and visionary woman passionate about health , fitness and well being of people. She is a brilliant scholar of nutrition , who has done research on Effect of Food, Nutrition and Diet on Aging, Aging Behavior, Attitudes, Diseases, Health Status and Longevity.
While working and gaining experience in different health sectors she realised that nowadays premix shakes , gummies and supplements are there, for deteriorating our lives in every possible way as they are prescribed for every disease although health becomes better still it leave side effects such as damages to liver ,skin and hair , lowered vision , irregular metabolism etc.
So, Founder came up with the idea of starting a health unit with a prima foci on total chemical free, healthy and natural diet plans which fully targets the disease.


Co- Founder

Dt. Rahul (co-founder ) is a health and fitness enthusiast.He holds wealth of knowledge and an avid inclination in clinical nutrition and food science. With a vision to transform and aware people globally about good food habits , Role of food in maintaining health and ideal lifestyle practices he as a co-founder joined hands in creating Aharmitra.


Head Dietitian

Muskan Chauhan : Dt. Muskan chauhan (Head Dietitian ) is an excellent scholar of her field with a wealth of experience in delivering individual results of clients .She is passionate about inculcating healthy dietary habits and lifestyle in individuals. The young lady holds active participation in educating people about importance of nourishment in lives of Child , adolescents , men and women.

  • Bsc
  • MSc
  • Certification in poshan Abhiyan
  • Worked in Lokpriya Hospital
  • wormed in metro hospital
  • IYMC training sessions
  • timelines
    Our Team
    Aharmitra Team